Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Awesome Apple

Do you feel tired even when you have not done a spot of work but have been sitting or lying around?  Do you feel lazy and not  interested in  the affairs of your family?  Do you think your memory is not as good as it generally is ? Or are  you depressed without a cause?  So much so that you do not want to live anymore and  even contemplate  suicide?
If you are experiencing the above mentioned symptoms, most likely  your nerves are sending out  distress signals that their energy is discharged and  they  need  to be recharged-a job done by a substance called glutamic acid. This chemical controls the wear and tear and the energizing of the entire nervous system, and when it is not synthesized well in the body, the nerves  send out these messages.
To counter all those unpleasant symptoms try taking  an apple . This fruit has certain chemicals that ensure perfect synthesis of glutamic acid  which will maintain the health of your nervous system with a high level of energy and enthusiasm.
Not just for the nerves, apple is a fruit with many  other wonderful benefits. First, its low PH  stimulates saliva secretion which cleanses the mouth and prevents gum diseases. Secondly, as it is highly alkaline, if taken after a non-veg meal, it prevents fermentation of food in the digestive tract which in turn counters  gas, acidity, and stomach ulcer. And lastly, it  prevents and controls diarrhea. Its pectin swells up and engulfs the diarrhea causing bacteria while its malic acid inhibits bacterial growth.
So take an apple everyday and feel the difference. The person who started ‘An apple a day…’ was not exaggerating!