Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Managing Chest Pain

A sudden chest pain  is not necessarily the first sign of a heart attack. Many press the panic button at the slightest hint of it, and seek medical help urgently, only to realize that, it was nothing but a harmless stomach disorder; but, at the same time, many have lost their lives by mistaking an actual heart attack for gas trouble and not doing anything about it. Neither is a desirable situation and can be dispensed with by conducting a simple test  that will tell you the real reason behind the discomfort.
Take ½ cup of hot water; mix in 1tbs of honey and drink it. If it is a gas problem, the pain will start abating almost immediately. But if  it persists with the same or increased intensity, consider it a medical emergency.  In the mean time, till help arrives,  practice the following relaxation technique to minimize the damage. It may even stop the attack completely.
Lie down in Shavasana (corpse pose), breathe naturally,  and start counting your breaths backward from 100. Better still, if you have a ‘Yoganidra’ CD, play it and follow the instructions.
These practices are the ultimate relaxants,  which will quickly open up the coronary arteries that will  allow some blood to flow past the clot-if the clot is not too big- and reach the heart muscles. The heart tissues  will remain alive and the danger  can be averted.
If you are in a place where you cannot practice  any of the above, or if it makes you feel nervous, then do the following.
Sit  comfortably or lie down and relax your body.
Concentrate on your breaths. ( should be spontaneous)
Imagine you are breathing in from the left nostril, and breathing out from the right; and then breathing in from the right nostril,  and breathing out from the left. In a minute or so, when  this  pattern is established ,add a mantra to it-either ‘Om’ or ‘So-ham’. If the chosen mantra is ‘So-ham’,  mentally say ‘So’ as you breathe in , and ‘Ham’  as you breathe out. For  ‘Om’, repeat it   in your mind when you inhale, and again when you exhale. Continue  the process for as long as you can.You will be surprised at its effect !

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Body Straight

It is absolutely necessary to hold the body straight for various reasons. Unfortunately, one rarely sees people with a straight posture. Most of us are always slouching, whether sitting or standing. This action becomes a habit, which gradually  shapes the back to a permanent stoop . And a stooping figure is not just aesthetically unpleasant, it a great health hazard, which many do not realize.

When we slouch , the internal organs get crowded.The lungs are cramped, the stomach is squeezed and the heart is pressured. This can hamper the smooth functioning of these organs and also harm them in the long run.

Secondly,the strain on the spine increases manifold when we stoop. This body part is the main pillar which supports our entire physical frame. It is  only when  the spine is held erect, the body weight is distributed evenly.

Last but not the least, each gland, each organ and each tissue in the body needs instructions from the brain to carry out its work. At the same time, the brain requires the body parts to provide it with datas, on the basis of which, it decides what orders to pass. All these to and fro messages are sent via the nerves travelling  through the spine. When the spine is crooked, the nerves within it are pressured, and the electrical flow carrying the messages is disrupted and weakened. The messages received by both sides now, can only be incomplete and inacurate. Consequently, the body parts do not function properly, and one's general health dclines. The corelation between spinal problems and ill health has already been noticed by scientists. For example, a lesion at the third and fourth vertebrae can lead to heart and lungs ailments; at the fifth and nineth thoracic ones, it can cause digestive disorders; and at the seventh cervical area it can result in mental or nervous system problems.

The habit to sit and stand straight should be inculcated from childhood, as once the spine has acquired a hard haunch, it is difficult to rectify it. But still, one should try to undo the damages as much as possible by practicing appropriate yoga that relaxes the spine thoroughly, re-aligns the vertebrae gently, and strengthens the back muscles that hold the spine.



Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Preventing a Heart-attack

It is common knowledge that stress is the biggest risk factor for a heart attack. Unfortunately, many do not realise, and do not admit that they are stressed. But a body check can reveal otherwise. The most common symptoms of stress are clenched hands, tight jaw, furrowed brows and lifted shoulders.

Stress does not make only the outer body tense but the inner parts too. Blood vessels constrict and tighten, which in turn can become hard and rigid with time. The stiffened arterial walls become amenable to tears, and the body tries to cover a tear with plaque. More tears appear and more plaque is formed, and one day, a piece of the plaque gets dislodged, and travelling to the heart blocks the passage. The blood supply to this vital organ is cut off, and a heart attack occurs.

The surest way to save the cardio-vascular system from damage, is to release the stress thoroughly on a regular basis so that the blood vessels remain pliable with  smooth arterial walls. Contrary to popular belief, recreational activities do not de-stress the system effectively. One needs a special technique to achieve that, and Meditation followed by yoganidra is the best means.It has been seen that, lactic acid, a stress hormone is eliminated from the body three times faster during meditation than during deep sleep.

It is important to practice a form of meditation suiting one's age, inclination, and body condition. Mantra repetition is an easy form that suits everybody. Take any mantra you like and repeat it audibly or mentally for 20-25 minutes. You need not concentrate on the mantra, but try to be aware of it throughout the practice.  You may repeat the process 2-3 times during the day. The beauty of mantra meditation is that, it does not require any particular posture. It can be done even while walking, but that is not advisable as it can distract the mind. To save time, you can practice it  while commuting, provided you are not driving yourself.

My book 'YOGA FOR A HEALTHY HEART' contains more on heart health & how to normalise high blood-pressure in a week

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A Glowing Acne-free Skin

 Imagine a white balloon filled with muddy water- can  it look pure? Not possible. Same goes with our skin too. If the  fluid inside  the body cells is not clean, the skin is bound to appear dirty and dull. Therefore, to acquire a clear skin, the first thing you need to do is to remove all the filth from the system; and  to achieve that, there is nothing better than Shankha Prakshyalana ( a yogic cleansing technique). This practice involves drinking a large amount of water, do specific asanas, and empty the bowel. Not only the intestine is cleared, the water circulates all over the body and flushes out the stored toxins. Within a  few hours, the system becomes sparkling clean. Those who cannot do Shankha Prakshyalan, can follow some other effective detoxification methods, such as  fasting, sauna, massage, and intake of plenty lot of fluid- not exceeding 12 glasses to be on the safer side.

The skin cells also need certain nutrients such as Vitamin A to be whole and healthy. As stress depletes this vitamin alarmingly fast i.e. 5000 units in 10 minutes, we have to provide it to them regularly by taking food rich in Vitamin A,such as almond, carrot, papaya, leafy vegetables, and milk. At the same time, one should keep stress at bay by practicing some form of meditation, and take more of this vitamin during a stressful period.

Sulphur too is necessary for skin health. This mineral is called the beauty mineral. So, include food containing this nutrient in your daily diet. They are onion, mushroom etc

And lastly, for that healthy pink glow, bring the maximum amount of blood to flood the skin tissues by relaxing the blood capillaries thoroughly through any yogic relaxation methods, especially Yoganidra,( yogic sleep).

If there is acne due to the toxic skin, it should also be treated  externally. For that, apply a paste of gram flour, turmeric, and sandalwood powder . Gram flour absorbs the oil of the pores along with the trapped dirt, while turmeric kills the offending bacteria, and sandal wood soothes and relaxes the skin leading to better healing. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

How to prevent cancer for sure

If you want to remain risk free from cancer,  maintain  a PH of  7. 4 to 7.5. ( The acid alkaline quotient in the body  is measured as PH. Below 7 is considered acidic and above that number is alkaline. ) Acidic blood  is  the ideal breeding  ground for  cancer. In 1931,  Dr Otto Warburg got a Nobel prize for proving that  the  blood of every cancer patient was extremely acidic.  It has been seen that at a PH 7.45 cancer cells are  controlled and at 8.5 they perish.  But it is not possible or advisable to keep the PH too high.

So, test your blood  and  if  you find it wanting, go on a war path  to change  the condition  by

a)      Removing the extra acid through  some detox methods;

b)      Avoiding   all acid creating  food, such as  excessive protein, fried & spicy food, cheese, white floor, white sugar, cornstarch, cashew nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, coco, coffee, soft drinks, butter, sour fruit, mustard, pepper powder, and soda etc ;

c)      Taking  alkaline  food ;

d)      Relaxing deep, as stress is a major acid producing  factor.