Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A Glowing Acne-free Skin

 Imagine a white balloon filled with muddy water- can  it look pure? Not possible. Same goes with our skin too. If the  fluid inside  the body cells is not clean, the skin is bound to appear dirty and dull. Therefore, to acquire a clear skin, the first thing you need to do is to remove all the filth from the system; and  to achieve that, there is nothing better than Shankha Prakshyalana ( a yogic cleansing technique). This practice involves drinking a large amount of water, do specific asanas, and empty the bowel. Not only the intestine is cleared, the water circulates all over the body and flushes out the stored toxins. Within a  few hours, the system becomes sparkling clean. Those who cannot do Shankha Prakshyalan, can follow some other effective detoxification methods, such as  fasting, sauna, massage, and intake of plenty lot of fluid- not exceeding 12 glasses to be on the safer side.

The skin cells also need certain nutrients such as Vitamin A to be whole and healthy. As stress depletes this vitamin alarmingly fast i.e. 5000 units in 10 minutes, we have to provide it to them regularly by taking food rich in Vitamin A,such as almond, carrot, papaya, leafy vegetables, and milk. At the same time, one should keep stress at bay by practicing some form of meditation, and take more of this vitamin during a stressful period.

Sulphur too is necessary for skin health. This mineral is called the beauty mineral. So, include food containing this nutrient in your daily diet. They are onion, mushroom etc

And lastly, for that healthy pink glow, bring the maximum amount of blood to flood the skin tissues by relaxing the blood capillaries thoroughly through any yogic relaxation methods, especially Yoganidra,( yogic sleep).

If there is acne due to the toxic skin, it should also be treated  externally. For that, apply a paste of gram flour, turmeric, and sandalwood powder . Gram flour absorbs the oil of the pores along with the trapped dirt, while turmeric kills the offending bacteria, and sandal wood soothes and relaxes the skin leading to better healing. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

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