Sunday, 16 August 2015


A person's  psyche is formed mainly in the mother's womb.I have experienced it myself.
I was born in the pre- independence  days when communal tension was at its peak. My father, only twenty  at that time, was a student in Calcutta, while my young mother, pregnant with me was living in a small town in Odissa with my grand parents.Calcutta was then riot torn and one day my father was forced to go into hiding.Those days communication being very poor, he was unable to inform anybody at home.When no news came from him for a couple of days, my mother panicked and started having nightmares.And even after my father returned home unharmed she could not shake off her fright or her disturbing dreams.which continued throughout her pregnancy.

With time my mother;s feelings abated, but the harm was done. I grew up with an paralyzing fear for  that community. I thought it was normal. with everybody and hence  never  spoke about it  to anybody. But it was far from that. In my  peaceful hometown,  a different religion was regarded almost the same way as a different cast.. 

One day my mother witnessed  my reaction to something connected with that religion and  was highly concerned. It was then that we discussed it for the first time and  I realized the reason for my inexplicable  emotion. By then I was already into yoga, so I knew what to do. I worked on it  diligently  and managed to free myself from its grip. But there must be countless others in the world who are filled with  intense hatred and anger for their fellow human beings just because their mothers unintentionally  had some negative thoughts during their pregnancies, and have no means or motive to change that.

The  ancient masters of India were aware of the importance of a woman's mind during her pregnancy. and  also of the need to train  man at every stage of life to create a safe and sane society .Hence they had  formulated a code of conduct  called 'Samskaras' which was then woven into  religion for better  acceptance and adherence.

It may not be practical to follow all the 'Samskaras' in today's world, but if the women  guard their thoughts and practice  yoga and meditation during their pregnancy, it will go a long way in making everybody including their own progeny healthy and happy.

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